Telekinesis Attack

Use your telekinesis magic power! Gain the ability to control the power of thought! Throw your enemies wherever you want, hit them against whatever you want and deal with them however you want! Using your unique power, defeat all enemies, interact with different objects, take away weapons from enemies and be the strongest!

How to Enjoy Telekinesis Attack

Control by pulling enemies, just hold down the mouse button on the enemy and pull him in different directions, to defeat the enemy, just throw him in any direction.

Key Game Features

Telekinesis, First Person, Magic, Battle, Shooter, Modern Theme

How is the game categorized using tags?

The characteristics of the game highlighted through tags are 1player, 3d, attack.

What kind of game development environment was employed to create this game?

The game uses third-party tools and frameworks, including WebGL.

What company developed this game?

The game development team responsible for this is Butcher's Games.

To which game genre does this title belong?

This game can be found in the Casual, Shooter genre.

Can the game be accessed from a mobile phone or tablet?

Telekinesis Attack is designed for mobile use.

Which gender demographic does this game appeal to?

The game is designed for a specific gender identity: Male & Female.

Does the game have any graphic content involving blood?

No, Telekinesis Attack does not include blood elements.

Does the game contain harmful or cruel actions?

Yes, Telekinesis Attack features scenes of cruelty.

Can this game be played by children?

Yes, Telekinesis Attack is recommended for younger players.