Fall Ball

Try to stay alive for as long as possible in this addicting online gae

Which company created this game title?

The developer company that worked on this game is DAB3Games.

What type of gameplay does this game offer?

This game can be found under the Casual category.

Was this game made with a game development platform for mobile games, such as Cocos2d-x or Defold?

This game was developed using a Javascript game development tool.

Which gender group is the game most suitable for?

The game is aimed at Male & Female.

What are the main tags used to categorize the game?

The tags helping identify the genre or type of this game are: ball, platformer, rolling, skill.

Does the game have a mobile-friendly version?

Fall Ball works on iOS and Android devices.

Which age groups are most suitable for playing this game?

The intended audience for this game are players in the Kids, Teens, Young Adults, Adults, Seniors age groups.

Is the game safe for kids to play?

No, Fall Ball would not be suitable for kids to enjoy.

Does the game contain any violent or bloody content?

Yes, there is mention or depiction of blood in Fall Ball.

Are there any cruel or harmful actions within the game’s experience?

Yes, Fall Ball contains violent or cruel actions.