EG Electrode

EG Electrode is a very interesting game in which you need to connect all of the electrons among themselves. But remember the rules:You can connect only opposite charges, Lines must not overlap.
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Your Guide to Playing EG Electrode

Tap to Play

What is the name of the developer behind this game?

The game development company that made this is

What are the main labels associated with this game?

The keywords used to classify the game are: arcade.

What software or system was used to program this game?

The Construct 2 engine/framework was used to build this game.

What is the game’s genre classification?

This game is listed under the Mahjong & Connect category.

What gender audience does this game cater to?

This game targets the Male & Female group.

Will the game run smoothly on a mobile device?

Yes, EG Electrode has a mobile-friendly version.

Who should play this game, age-wise?

This game is recommended for the Kids, Teens, Young Adults, Adults, Seniors age category.

Is there any blood present in the gameplay?

Yes, EG Electrode depicts blood or blood-related visuals.

Is the game intended for young players?

No, EG Electrode would not be good for children.

Does the game contain violent or cruel content?

Yes, there is abusive or violent behavior in EG Electrode.