Block Movers

In Block Movers you must move the green block to the exit But beware all blocks block your way

Which genre classification is appropriate for this game?

The genre that describes this game is Puzzle.

What are the main labels or categories describing the game?

The game is described through its tags as block, drag.

Who is the gender audience for this game?

This game targets Male & Female players specifically.

Which company is behind the game’s development process?

The production of this game is managed by Agame.

Which game development platform or library was used to create this game?

This game uses the open-source game engine Javascript.

Is this game compatible with mobile phones?

Block Movers is available for play on both Android and iOS mobile devices.

Who would enjoy this game based on age?

The best fit for this game are players aged Kids, Teens, Young Adults, Adults, Seniors.

Is there any blood featured in the game?

Yes, blood is shown or referenced in Block Movers.

Would this game be enjoyable for younger players?

No, Block Movers is not designed for kids.

Is there any cruel content in the game?

Yes, Block Movers contains abusive or cruel elements.