Beauties Pregnant Bffs
A wonderful and fun day is about to begin for this wonderful pregnant BFFs! Make sure they take their vitamins, eat healthy food and don't miss the chance of picking their belly tattoos! After that, it's time for dress up! Try out different outfits for the first mommy to be and then go to the next. Find a unique look for each of them and they'll be happier than ever!
Getting Started in Beauties Pregnant Bffs
Tap to play this game.
Under which genre can this game be classified?
The classification that best fits this game is Dress-up.
Was this game made with a game development platform for mobile games, such as Cocos2d-x or Defold?
The software engine selected for building this game is Javascript.
Which company or developer crafted this game?
The development team that made this game is SisiGames.
Which tags categorize this game?
The tag classification of this game is dress, pregnant, princess.
Is this game compatible with mobile operating systems?
Players can enjoy Beauties Pregnant Bffs on their smartphones or tablets.
Can children play this game, or is it designed for older age groups?
This game is intended for Kids age group.
Does the game show any form of violence or cruelty?
No, cruelty is not a theme or feature in Beauties Pregnant Bffs.
What gender group does this game cater to?
The game is made with Female players in mind.
Does the game have any graphic content involving blood?
No, Beauties Pregnant Bffs does not include any form of blood or gore.
Is this game recommended for children?
No, Beauties Pregnant Bffs is not appropriate for a younger age group.